Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Newitts

Merry Christmas from the Newitts ... and George Washington's home at Mt. Vernon

The Mt. Vernon shore of the Potomac River

The "Ha-ha" wall at Mt. Vernon which separates the formal lawn from the animal pastures.

December 2010

Dear Family & Friends,

We wish you a very merry Christmas! We have enjoyed 2010 and the new and fun adventures that it has brought us and wish to share a few of the high lights with you.

As a family, we planted a spring garden for the first time in years and harvested about 20 cups of peas! Yummy! We also took our family to Utah for Easter so we could attend General Conference. It was a first time event for our children and it was a wonderful experience to see the Prophet and hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing. Grandma Susie visited us in the spring and the fall and we enjoyed our Hartley family gatherings. In July we made another trip to Utah, this time to go camping with Jerry’s brothers and mom at Fish Lake, though NO fish were biting the entire time we were there! While in Utah we also enjoyed time with Jerry’s brother Ken and his family, celebrating the 4th of July.

Our BIGGEST and most favorite adventure of the year was our trip to Washington DC to spend our fall break with our dear friends, the Jamisons. We loved connecting with them again and also touring the National Mall, the National Air & Space Museum and Mt. Vernon. At the National Mall we saw the original Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. We toured the Capital building, visiting the original and current chambers of congress. We enjoyed the joke about the “Ha-ha” walls at Mt. Vernon. We also enjoyed the National Treasure 2 tour and seeing the basement at Mt. Vernon. We loved the chilly weather of Virginia, the changing of the leaves, hot chocolate and good times with good friends.

Our individual high-lights are:

Jerika (17) has her driver’s permit and will be getting her license soon; and, after three years of working on it, her Jeep is running! (Hooray!!) Her cat Daisy had kittens. Jerika enjoyed going to Spring Prom and Winter Formal. Over the summer, she attended EFY at BYU-Provo with some girlfriends. It was a big road trip and adventure as after their time in Provo, they went to BYU-Idaho to visit the campus and family there. Then, it was back to Provo for an official tour of the Provo campus. She has really enjoyed spending time with her friends this year. She has submitted college applications and we hope to hear some good news in a few months. Now in her senior year, Jerika has enjoyed playing cello in her school’s symphony orchestra. Her DC trip favorite – Time with Emma, Mt. Vernon, Halloween dance with Emma.

Tori (15) is in 10th grade and is enjoying her cooking class this year. Over the summer she went to EFY in Flagstaff at NAU and really enjoyed the classes and dances there. She also enjoyed her time with her Utah cousins this summer – shopping with Samantha and hanging out with Mitchell & Keeton. Tori was a 4th year at Girls Camp this past summer and especially enjoyed swimming in the river, being with friends, and talking late into the night! At camp they had fun doing skits and jokes with the Zac Efron cutout. Tori now has her project car – 1967 Mercury Cougar. It is already running, but still needs care before it is fully drivable. Aunt Diana came out for a visit in August and Tori especially enjoyed camping with her. Her DC trip favorite – Time with Emma and the Halloween dance.

Kyler (12) finished the 6th grade last spring. High lights were building a model castle, complete with trebuchet, and making the Honor Roll. Over the summer he attended Scout Camp for the first time and earned some great merit badges. This fall he started 7th grade at the Jr. High School and enjoys participating in the Chess Club. Kyler recently turned 12 and was ordained a deacon and now helps each week to pass sacrament to the congregation. He has really enjoyed the quadding trips that he has made with Dad & Gideon. His DC trip favorite – Washington Monument.

Gideon (7) is in 2nd grade and has become an avid reader. Last spring he enjoyed playing coach-pitch baseball and this fall he has had fun playing on his soccer team – the Fireballs. This is his second season of soccer and he is a confidant soccer player. It is fun to watch him on the field. He enjoys quadding with Kyler and Dad. DC trip favorite – Washington Monument and playing with Eliza and helping her take care of her dog (yes, Stephanie is allergic, so Gideon will never have that opportunity here at home!).

Jerry took his scouts to the annual Mountain Man Rendezvous again this year. They had a great time preparing their gear and attending the rendezvous. He enjoyed time with his family camping in Utah, though he wishes the fish had been biting. He has enjoyed taking our boys on a few quadding trips. We have undertaken a small remodeling project here at home and Jerry has ripped out the carpet from the upstairs study and installed wood laminate flooring for Stephanie’s workroom. Jerry’s DC trip favorite -- Visiting with the Jamisons and seeing the Air & Space Museum with the Orbital rocket.

Stephanie has returned to teaching preschool again this year after having taken a year off. She is also a Sunday School teacher at church teaching the 13/14 year olds. They have been a great class and she will miss them when they move up in January. Over the summer, Stephanie was ward girls camp director at the stake girls’ camp. She really enjoyed getting to know the girls of the ward. Stephanie has been really involved in the workroom makeover – packing, painting, unpacking, & organizing. The newest and biggest undertaking for Stephanie has been to establish a local non-profit support group for gifted children, their families and educators – Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted. You can check out her website at Stephanie’s DC trip favorites – Visiting and cooking with Jennifer, Mt. Vernon, the Declaration of Independence and the original Star Spangled Banner.

We look forward to spending time with family this holiday season. We wish you all a Christmas full of the love, joy and peace that comes from our Savior.

Love, the Newitts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Newitt Fall News

In early October we had a major storm come through the valley. In our neighborhood we had marble sized hail. Due to the hail hitting the house, we have "stucco" confetti on the porch and the leaves of our citrus trees in the front yard look like they were blasted with a shot gun.

For our one week of Fall Break, we joined our friends the Jamisons in Virginia and we toured Washington DC! It was a blast!
Click here to see our photos of our trip to Washington DC

For our ward's Halloween "Trunk-or-Treat" - Tori the Thief and Kyler the Card
From Avatar: The Last Airbender - Gideon was Ang and Jerika was Kitara

Baby Nora! Our newest niece, blessed by her daddy (my brother Eric!) on November 7th.
In this photo - my mom and Eric, surrounded by his brothers,
who all came out to AZ for this special day!
Jerika & Gideon with cousins on Nora's blessing day.

Tori & Kyler with cousins on Nora's blessing day.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

School's In Session!!

Gideon, on the 1st day of 2nd grade!

Kyler decided to be artistic with the back lawn and "carved" a smiley face.

Happy 15th birthday Tori!!
(Yes, Hartley fans, that is LEMON CAKE her cake of choice! YUM!!!)

Aunt Stephie with newest niece, Baby Nora Hartley! So cute and kissable!

Happy birthday Jerry!
He requested homemade ice cream cake --
chocolate cake with fudge ripple ice cream topped with whipped cream.

Kyler received his 2nd Class Scout rank and pins his mother.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer is over!

Well, summer is over and it was a BUSY summer, with lots of comings and goings!

Jerika & Tori each enjoyed a week at EFY. Especially For Youth is a week long camp hosted by our church at various universities around the country. It gives the kids a taste of college & dorm life in an atmosphere with BYU standards. For the activities, besides dances, they have lots of confidence and team building classes and workshops. Tori went to NAU in Flagstaff with a friend and Jerika attended out of state for the first time at the BYU-Provo, UT, campus. Jerika had quite the adventure with her group of friends ... after her week at EFY they drove up to BYU-Idaho and toured the campus there and visited Yellowstone Park, among other things. On their return trip to AZ, they stopped at BYU-Provo again for a guided tour of the campus. Jerika had a GREAT experience and is gearing up to fill out college applications this fall.

Gideon & Tori playing cards, "Ol' West" style with their IBC root beers.
What goofy kids!

Kyler went to Scout Camp for the first time this year.
Jerry went too.

Kyler, working on the Rifle Shooting merit badge.

Jerika received Stratego for her birthday -- Watch out world!

Jerry's family likes to have campout reunions. This summer we met up at Fish Lake in central Utah. Our kids loved playing with their cousins.

Jerry & his brother Ken.
The kids enjoyed playing cards together - Nathan, Jerika, Kresten, Kyler & Sara.

Gideon with Grandma Vickie.

The cousins played the card game "President-Scum" more than any other game!
Jerika, Ketton, Tori, Kyler, 2nd cousin Joelle (Samantha's baby), Nathan & Gideon.

Tori took this shot of me. She enjoys photography.

A windy walk around Fish Lake! Don't get blown away!
Mitchell, Jerika, Kyler, Tori, Uncle Ken, Gideon, Nathan & Jerry.

Jerika, Mitchell, Nathan, Kyler & Gideon boating on Fish Lake.
Jerry was the pilot. (I'm the historian :)

Jerika, Tori, Mitchell, Nathan, Kyler & Gideon working on the fort at Fish Lake, UT.

We spent the 4th of July in Pleasant Grove, UT and toured Timpanogas Caves with Wittern cousins. Cousin Amanda is a ranger there.

Jerry & I visited my Uncle Jim & Aunt Linda Hartley in Murray, UT. Jim is my dad's youngest brother. I hadn't seen them in years and it was a great visit.

This year I was asked to be our ward's Girls Camp Director. I enjoyed working with the girls and helping them prepare for our Stake Girls Camp. It was my first time attending camp since I was a teenager and I loved that I got to see Jerika & Tori there. It was Tori's 4th year at camp this summer so she participated in the High Adventure trip - overnight backpacking, canoeing, and repelling! Tori's high adventure group joined us at main camp on the 3rd day. This year Jerika was a Youth Camp Leader at Girls Camp and worked on certification with the 1st Year girls. Below is Jerika with 2 of her YCL friends. I was a cabin mom for the 1st Year girls from our ward. I loved that I got to see Jerika on our 1st Year hike!

Jerika with some of the girls from our ward on the 1st Year hike.

Our "last hurrah" of summer was our ward campout, so needless to say, we got our fair share of camping in this summer between Boy Scout Camp, Girls Camp, Family Reunion Camp and well, the Ward Family Campout.
In fact, we are the Camping Maniacs, and we are, officially, camped-out!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Jerry opening Father's Day presents.
Jerika joined us via phone since she's still out of state at EFY.
The kids enjoyed giving him cards and stuff to add to his outdoor gear.
Jerika and her friend Laura received their permits this month!!

Mom and the boys went to the Arizona Science Center while the girls were at EFY. The boys enjoyed the physics lab.
Kyler is playing at the Bernoulli's exhibit.

Gideon is lying on the bed of nails!

Back in May, on the last day of school, the 6th graders had an Egg Drop competition.
This is the container that Kyler & Jerry designed together.
It's a styrofoam sponge container with a tail for ballast.
He duct taped the egg into the hole and the egg survived!
Yep, that's the very egg!
Kyler's class had the least amount of broken eggs and won the competition.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010 May - Catch up

Steph and Tori on Mother's Day. Tori gave me this necklace.

Gideon receives his souvenir pin and certifitcate from his baseball coach.

Kyler with his Ireland display at the 6th grade World's Fair.

In May Jerika went to a local prom sponsored by another stake of our church. This is one of the groups pics. We love the beautiful and modest dresses!

Before Prom, one of the dad's met them at a local park for their own pics.

Jerika's cat Daisy had 4 kittens. We love them! So cute!

"The Boys" left Thursday afternoon for The Dunes, the day school let out for the summer. They found a local ward nearby and were able to attend church on Sunday. They came back home Monday afternoon.
They had a BLAST!

Jerry, Kyler & Gideon enjoying their root beer.

Showered & dressed for church - Kyler, Gideon & Jonathan (one of Jerry's Eagle Scouts)

Reved and ready to go! Jonathan, Kyler & Gideon

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010 APR - Rockwall, Baseball & Awards

Jerry, Tori, Varsity Scouts and Young Women at the Gila Valley Temple open house.

Jerry took the boys to the Orbital Family picnic.

Kyler makes it to the top!

Gideon repelling down the wall!

Gideon hits the ball. / Gideon plays catcher.

Kyler, a Golden Scholar.

Jerika, a Golden Scholar.