Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Spring, Happy Easter!

Dear Family,

Well, spring is here in AZ. We've harvested all of our oranges from our orange tree and received over a gallon of juice! YUMMY! The oranges get sweeter the longer they're left on the tree, so we resisted harvesting until March. Now, the new citrus buds are forming and the air smells so sweet! Well, OK, that was last month. With the start of April the oven door has opened and we're running the A/C in the car during afternoon errands. Oh, well. We can pray a cold front will come through to put off the triple digits just a little while longer.

These past few months - Jerika has begun a part time job at a dental office, helping to schedule patients. As it turns out, it is Cathy's dental office! Jerika went with her HS orchestra to participate in a Music Festival in southern California. They won best of festival!!! She was so excited! Jerika and friends volunteered to be models for a Prom Fashion show. They had a lot of fun and looked beautiful!

Tori spent two months involved with the production of "The Music Man." She was cast as a townsperson and it was so fun to watch her animations on stage! She really knows how to bring a character to life.

Over spring break Jerry took Tori and Kyler to the dunes for a few days. Tori had her first official wipe out - the quad rolled over on top of her, but sand is a soft place for a landing so she came home unscathed. Tori -
Jerry was able to finish spring break at the annual Varsity Scout Mountain Man Rendezvous. He loved it! Jerry is on the far right ...

Me, I'm enjoying teaching my preschool class and have already completed registration for next year's class. I have also felt progress in our new non-profit, Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted. We've been able to make connections with some of the staff at the district level as well as the school board and superintendency.

Kyler has been involved in the chess club and 7th grade band this year. He also had fun on a snow camping trip with his scout troop (yes, there IS snow in Arizona - you just have to be near the Grand Canyon to find it. :) This past weekend he attended the Priesthood session of General Conference for the first time. He went with Jerry and Uncle Eric and really enjoyed it.

One of the photos below is a good shot of Gideon in his new glasses. He was excited that he could read the street signs as we drove home from the optometrist's. :) He is really becoming a super reader and loves reading Calvin and Hobbs.

As a family we are participating in the Mesa Easter Pageant again this year. Our first practice was a Super Saturday - 8am-4pm. We set up shade covers on the temple lawn, threw on the hats and sunscreen, and spent the bulk of the day rehearsing our 3 multitude scenes with the group. The photo below is our "tent city" in front of the stage. It was perfect weather. As a family, we are excited to be participating in Pageant again. Our lives have been so busy, that we are looking forward to the peace that we receive as we act out the Savior's life in the Easter Pageant. We wish you all a peaceful and very Happy Easter!