Sunday, June 20, 2010


Jerry opening Father's Day presents.
Jerika joined us via phone since she's still out of state at EFY.
The kids enjoyed giving him cards and stuff to add to his outdoor gear.
Jerika and her friend Laura received their permits this month!!

Mom and the boys went to the Arizona Science Center while the girls were at EFY. The boys enjoyed the physics lab.
Kyler is playing at the Bernoulli's exhibit.

Gideon is lying on the bed of nails!

Back in May, on the last day of school, the 6th graders had an Egg Drop competition.
This is the container that Kyler & Jerry designed together.
It's a styrofoam sponge container with a tail for ballast.
He duct taped the egg into the hole and the egg survived!
Yep, that's the very egg!
Kyler's class had the least amount of broken eggs and won the competition.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010 May - Catch up

Steph and Tori on Mother's Day. Tori gave me this necklace.

Gideon receives his souvenir pin and certifitcate from his baseball coach.

Kyler with his Ireland display at the 6th grade World's Fair.

In May Jerika went to a local prom sponsored by another stake of our church. This is one of the groups pics. We love the beautiful and modest dresses!

Before Prom, one of the dad's met them at a local park for their own pics.

Jerika's cat Daisy had 4 kittens. We love them! So cute!

"The Boys" left Thursday afternoon for The Dunes, the day school let out for the summer. They found a local ward nearby and were able to attend church on Sunday. They came back home Monday afternoon.
They had a BLAST!

Jerry, Kyler & Gideon enjoying their root beer.

Showered & dressed for church - Kyler, Gideon & Jonathan (one of Jerry's Eagle Scouts)

Reved and ready to go! Jonathan, Kyler & Gideon